Your requirements induce our involvement
Mandate Rules

Definition of the Mandate Agreement according to Swiss Law

Obligations Code, art. 394:

« The Mandate is an Agreement when the Mandatory is committed, according full terms of the convention, to manage business he has been charged of or to provide services as involvement. »  

Cancelation of the Mandate Agreement:

Obligations Code, art. 404:

« The Mandate may be revoked or rejected from any time. »

Range of adminitrative and managing services complying and featuring a Mandate with FINANTRADEX:

§     §      Accountancy

§      §      Audit

§      §       Management checking

§      §      Insurances

§       §        Counsel and managing follow-up

§       §       Business Plan

§       §        Swiss Corporate formation

§       §       Offshore Corporate formation

§       §        Swiss Banks accounts opening

§        §         Corporate Domicilation

§        §        Taxation advisory

Juridical advisory
§      Secretarial Services and virtual office  

All services are complying with client’s requirements to present the best ratio prices to quality.

Some more services compelling our competences can be provided.

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         Your requirements…

…induce our involvement.